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How batch copy a report with comparisons

With the possibility of keeping comparisons in a batch copy, a lot of time can be saved when creating reports.

To create a batch copy containing the comparison, the comparison must first be added in the original report under Series.

Remember to Save the comparison before proceeding.


After saving the comparison , navigate to the Results overview page (1). Select the Report(2) and click the Batch Copy Button(3).

A new window will open where you can apply filters to the batch copied reports. Check the Keep the comparison/cross-tabulation from the original report option, and the report with the value filter and comparison will be generated.



The chart below shows the question from Quest 1 (1) filtered on respondents belonging to Administration, compared with the corresponding question on Quest 2 (2) without any filters applied.





Über die Akademie

Haben Sie eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden? Unter Dokumentation haben wir informative Beschreibungen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, die Funktionen von Essential vollständig zu verstehen. Durch den Erkenntnisgewinn erhöhen Sie den Wissensstand in der gesamten Organisation