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How to use User Groups


User Groups are accessed from the User Menu and User Groups.

For Super Users, creating User Groups and assigning Users to them is a great way to facilitate- and administer sharing permissions for Quests.

New User Groups are created using the “+” icon.

New User groups may be given a describing name and a set of members that will benefit from being able to share quests with each other in few clicks.

This allow all Essentials users on an account to share a particular folder or Quest with a given User Group.

You may also assign a User to a specific User Group or remove a User from a User Groups from the menu Users.



Über die Akademie

Haben Sie eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden? Unter Dokumentation haben wir informative Beschreibungen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, die Funktionen von Essential vollständig zu verstehen. Durch den Erkenntnisgewinn erhöhen Sie den Wissensstand in der gesamten Organisation