How create a manual filter?

Manual filters gives you the opportunity to filter desired respondents, when viewing or exporting the responses.
The filter is created under the Follow-Up tab, but can be used under Reports aswell.

To create a Manual Filter:

  • First navigate to Follow-Up, top right. Then select the Respondents you wish to include in your Manual Filter and click on Ribbon Icon.

  • In the next window give the Manual Filter a describing Name so that you easily can identify it later on, and click Save.

The Manual Filter is now ready to be used in Reports or Follow-up.

  • To use the filter in Follow-up choose it from the drop down menu:

  • To use the filter in Reports choose it from the Drop-down menu under Series.

If you wish to use the same filter on other questions, click on Apply On Other Questions.

  • The created filter will be visible under the Filters tab. If you wish to delete the Manual filter, Select the filter from the list and click Delete.



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