Questback Essentials – Case Study – How to Create a Rating Snippet?

Feedback is best fresh. You and your company interact with customers daily and you can benefit greatly by letting your customers rate the quality of the interactions instantly.

This shows the customers that you take great interest in their individual experiences as a customer. Also, it offers a valuable opportunity for you to get suggested improvements on your performance – right on the spot.

One way of securing such feedback is including a “rating snippet” in your E-mail signature, like the example shown here:

One way of securing such feedback is including a “rating snippet” in your E-mail signature

In this guide, we will demonstrate how you can use dynamic links to create “rating snippets” which customers can use to give you feedback. By including these rating snippets in your emails, you let customers rate your performance directly by first choosing a smiley, then be directed in to a Quest and finally leave an optional comment. Once created, it is easy to change so that all your colleagues can use personal rating snippets but the very same Quest.

You will benefit from using the very same Quest for all interaction and customer communication satisfaction surveys.

The main perks of keeping the same Quest for a given purpose is:

  1. Direct access to aggregated results
  2. Consistent reporting with reusable Reports and LiveReports
  3. Streamlined information flow with reusable Notifications

Part 1: Setting up the Communications Evaluation

Before starting, verify with your local Questback office that the feature “Dynamic links” is activated for your account.

Step 1
Create the question set. Using the above-mentioned example, you only need a Quest with at least one question (here: an “open answer long”), then add at least two respondent data fields:

1. Do you have any suggestions for improvements, or any other questions or comments?
Respondent data
2. rating (From the E-Mail signature “Satisfaction Meter” (Very Dissatisfied – Very Satisfied))
3. subject (The person rated)

Step 2
Prepare and import a dummy respondent data file to activate the “rating” and “subject” variables. This is added via Distribution, Add Invitees and Import file

Step 3
Tailor the question text so that it updates dynamically with the respondents answer from the E-Mail signature. Hide or comment out the “Question Text”, then use include additional information and tags for this:  Tailor the question text so that it updates dynamically with the respondents answer from the E-Mail signature

Step 4
Retrieve your Quest’s unique “sid”(securityID) from Preview. You may then add the “sid” and “dynamic” to your links (Here: sid=b0oDJ76Ehc): Retrieve your Quest’s unique “sid”(securityID) from Preview

Step 5
Assemble the correct dynamic link structure. For the Quest used in this case, a working dynamic link will be: “

  • You will need to update the parts in orange with information specific to your account and Quest
  • … and also update the latter part (after the “sid”) with your chosen variables and values (For reference, please consult the documentation on dynamic links)
  • Finally, when your links are ready, you may let colleagues create additional ones by just changing the suffix for “subject=” to their respective name (remember to replace spacing with “%20”. E.g.“subject=Peter%20John%20Welsh”)

Part 2: Adding the E-mail signature to your email client

You are free to copy, edit and reuse the example from the top picture here (as If you have access to add the e-mail signature from html code – you may copy this template for a responsive signature (codelines 1372 and above should be amended). Adding the E-mail signature to your email client

If you are using Outlook, you should open “signatures” and add your desired signature text, then download and add the pictures (emojis) separately, before adding the dynamic links behind each respective picture. A guide for creating Outlook signatures can be found here.

Part 3: Reporting 

If you will be the only user of your “rating snippet” Quest, creating a single report and LiveReport will suffice. If others are going to use it as well, you should create single-condition value filters to group respondents based on which “subject” or person they are rating.

You may create new filters for all available respondent data from the Filters pane: Reporting

You will then be able to create a full report for all rated “subjects”. These filters will then be made available for selection in your reports from “Report Settings”

  • It might also be useful to see how this data breaks down with batch-comparisons across “subject”
  • you may batch-copy a report per “subject”
  • If you continue using the same “rating snippet” Quest over several years, you can apply interval filters to single out respondents for given time periods. Remember to update the references to calendar years across the Quest name, invitations, reminders and reports

Part 4: Using your Customer Communications Evaluation Quest

If any need for modifications to your Quest arise, it may be useful to note what can and cannot be done in a published Quest.

You may:
•    Add new questions or new question alternatives
•    Hide questions or question alternatives
•    Add routing conditions to existing Quests
•    Edit text on questions or question alternatives

You may not:
•    Change Question Types of existing questions
•    Delete questions or question alternatives

PS! Note that rating snippets can very well be included on webpages too:

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