Questback Essentials v40 release 2021

“And so with the sunshine and the great bursts of leaves growing on the trees, just as things grow in fast movies, I had that familiar conviction that life was beginning over again with the summer.”

—F. Scott Fitzgerald, The Great Gatsby 

With this year’s summer release (v40), we have extended our reporting offering in Questback Essentials by two new key functionalities:

Timeline reporting: 
Available as new visualization option for single select, NPS and calendar question types, timeline reporting allows to you monitor your feedback over time, to detect trends and to identify areas which that need extra attention.

Extended branding:
Our new manager allows for superusers and account admins to define their own color schemes, to further strengthen the branding of your reports with your own colors!

For all the details, please read the full documentation below or watch our YouTube-Video here.

What’s new?

#1 REPORTING – timeline visualization to support trend analysis

We aim to provide a feedback solution that provides our customers quick access to business-critical insights.

Ongoing collection and follow-up on feedback is key to success, combined with instant access to results and insights through our online and real-time reporting capabilities!

Our brand-new timeline visualization is available for all singleselect, NPS and date/calendar questions and offers instant insights on how your feedback develops over time, for trend analysis and early alerts.

To support the work with timeline-reporting, we extended the available chart pool with new “spline” and “area (spline)” chart types, and allow you to flexibly define the intervals to be used to display data in timelines (days, weeks, months, etc.)

Finally, we have adjusted and extended our capabilities with test data, for you to get auto-generated test data over a period, to further check and verify the validity of your feedback work at the draft stage, before you launch and publish your quest!

How it benefits YOU:

  • More flexibility for you to define the reports for your needs, with extended data visualization and new chart types.
  • Support for trend analysis and early alert work.
  • Better feedback, thanks to extended test capabilities before the launch.

#2 BRANDING – new Color Scheme Manager

We aim to provide a feedback solution that allows our customers to brand their feedback work.

In addition to logos, background images and fonts, colours are a key part of any corporate identity guideline and should be applied at all stages of the feedback work, incl. reporting.

We proudly launch our brand-new Color Scheme Manager as newest addition to our “Manager” section and new element to support your branding work.

Available to superusers and admin in its first version, the Color Scheme Manager allows you (as superuser) to define your own color schemes for your reporting work and the charts and tables there. Color Schemes can be defined equally as a selection of colors or as gradient.

The Color Schemes you created (as superuser) are available to all users in your account and allow you and them to create easily recognizable charts and tables, with your own colors.

How it benefits YOU:

  • Full control over one of the key elements of branding, with own colors.
  • Intuitive and easy to read reports, that are easily recognized as your feedback work, with own themes and now with own colors as well.
  • Attractive visualization of insights in LiveReports, with own heatmaps.


R&D are never taking a break to crush those annoying bugs, and here is a quick overview of what we have fixed in this release.

  • Fixed an issue with Matrix Double scale and PPTX exports.
  • Fixed an issue with Summarized exports and pre and post comments for open answers-questions.
  • Fixed an issue with respondent data tags not being replaced with value in summarized reports.
  • Fixed an issue with deleting more than 1000 responses at once via Follow-up.
  • Fixed an issue with answer alternatives and rows that remains hidden after duplicating quest.
  • Fixed an issue with gauge charts in summarized reports.
  • Fixed an issue with hierarchy questions and hide/unhide levels.
  • Fixed an issue with duplicating or importing hierarchy question in a published quest.
  • Fixed an issue with exports where the generated file size is too big and status in View available exported files page.
  • Fixed an issue where report page was blank in some cases.