Questback Essentials – Opt out, GDPR & new styled pages (v44)

We are happy to announce two significant new features to enhance your Questback experience.

This release also features several minor adjustments to our product to make running surveys with Questback as effortless as possible. You will experience a new homepage presentation, page breaks at the beginning of quests and an updated reports section.

Quick overview of v44 release: 

  1. Brand new Opt-out manager
  2. Update to Quest GDPR consent Manager
  3. New welcome page and report list
  4. Page break improvement
  5. Quick settings for new/duplicated quests
  6. Bugfixes

Questback release notes

Nothing ever seems impossible in spring, you know.

Lucy Maud Montgomery

1. Brand new Opt-out manager


To further improve on email deliverability, our quest opt-out button will, from this release on, opt-out the respondent from all quests from the account.
We aim to provide a feedback solution that offers our customers a comprehensive set of functionality for their work with opt-outs from respondents.

Opt-out routine are to cover two aspects:

  • intuitive for respondents when choosing to opt-out,
  • plus easy and flexible for our users/customers when managing and handling them


With this release (v44), we have fully overhauled, upgraded and improved our offering for opt-out, featuring two new components and default settings:

  1. Opt-outs from respondents apply now to all quests conducted in the same customer account. When uploading an email address flagged as “opt-out” to anew quest, it automatically gets the invitation status “opt-out” and no invitation will be sent.
  2. All email addresses flagged as “opt-outs” are available to the superuser/account admin in our brand-new “Opt-Out Manager”, for handling and maintenance, plus import/export (*).(*) Import/export available as add-on feature, subject to additional fees depending on base contract. Contact your local Questback office for more information


  • Intuitive for respondents: their opt-out means what it says! They have reserved themselves from receiving further email invitation and reminders from an organization (customer).
  • Efficient for our customers: full overview and managing rights in the new “Opt-out Manager”

2. Updates to Quest GDPR consent management 


You now have the option of setting a GDPR compliant retention time for personal data in your Quest without presenting a request for consent at the beginning of the quest. This makes it easier to manage the automatic deletion of PI for quests where you already have collected consent from your respondents.

When Display Consent page is not selected, the GDPR-page will not be shown for the respondents. Personal data questions will be deleted when the retention period set by the user occurs to avoid saving personal data longer than needed.


With this release v44, we have extended the GDPR settings for a quest, and allow to flexibly include the GDPR elements of their choice. The basic GDPR settings are now built around the retention period, which our customers can activate in case they would like personal data to be removed automatically when the retention period of their choice is met.

In addition to these base settings with the retention period, our customer can now flexibly decide whether they would like to start their quests with a so called “consent page”, to inform the respondents about the personal data that is being collected and processed, and their rights as data subjects


We aim to provide a feedback solution that offers our customers all flexibility needed to set up and run their feedback work in line with their GDPR obligations. This applies in particular to automated deletion routines for personal data where there is no longer any legal ground for data storage.


  • Full GDPR compliance offered for all feedback.
  • Flexibility to adjust the GDPR settings according to all relevant feedback scenarios. In some cases, only the automated deletion routines are required (= covered now by the new base settings), while other scenarios require both deletion routines and a consent page.

3. New welcome page and report list


We have continued around re-design and harmonization work, and re-styled both the welcome page for our users as well as key components in the workflow when working with a quest. The new welcome page is now cleaner and lighter, includes a fix “New &Releases” section with a direct link to our Questback Academy, and features new icons to illustrate the statuses for the quests in the work history (draft, active, closed).

When working with reports, the list includes now the same updated styling as recently introduced for other elements, such as the user section or the theme manager, with interactive short-cuts and drill-down options. Together with the updated report list, we have overhauled the list for exports available for downloads and renamed it to “generated files”.


We aim to provide a feedback solution that offers our customers an intuitive and welcoming user interface, with all relevant information and feedback work available within as few clicks as possible. The user experience needs to be harmonized and streamlined, to make the daily feedback work as easy as possible for our customers


  • Intuitive and efficient feedback work, with harmonized and improved user experience
  • Easier exports directly to download, with the restyled section “generated files”

Some key changes for welcome page:
  • User statistics moved to top.
  • Status symbols for quests added
  • Added some response statistics in top ”work history”-list.
  • Quick access symbols more visible
  • News & releases with own Academy button.
Some key changes report list:
  • Selection between card- and list-view
  • Possibility to set a report as favorite.
  • Number of items in a report.
  • Highlighted quick access symbols
  • ”View available exported files” changed to ”Generated files”.

4. Page break

Page break will now work when added before the 1st question in your quest.

5.Quick settings for new/duplicated quests.


We have continued our work of the past 18-24 months to make the duplication and creation process for quests streamlined, intuitive and efficient, with the option to include as many of the settings from the previous work included as possible. This release include some additional short cuts and options in our duplication/creation wizard, around the categorization of quests and the option to activate/de-activate the GDRP settings already at this stage


We aim to provide a feedback solution that makes the work feedback as lean and efficient as possible for our customers. Re-using previous work is key, and to be supported by wizards that allow smart choices by our users


  • Intuitive feedback work, with the option for key settings to be defined at the very start of the duplication/creation process.
  • Efficient feedback work, with time-saving “short cuts” for key options.