How to use the Folder Manager
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Account Admins may use the Folder Manager to access- and work with account wide settings and activities across all your folders and Quests:

Using the Folder Manager, the account admin gets a complete overview of all folders in the account, regardless of who owns the folders and whether the folders are shared with her or not:
The account admin has full access rights to the settings of all folders and can edit the folder name, the description, plus work with the sharing settings there, in addition to the folder owner:

That way, the account admin can for example overrule sharing permissions, and grant herself or selected users’ access to a folder that are initially not shared with her/them.
In addition to these default settings with our new Folder Manager, you may also enable “custom settings”. These options here cover two aspects:
- First: Questback can extend access to the Folder Manager to additional, selected superusers in the account, based on your request
- Secondly: Questback can disable the right to create new folders for specific- or all users. This way, the account admin could set up and manage the full folder structure for the entire account
Please note: these custom settings are subject to add-on license fees, based on the version of your contract and chosen SLA version. If interested, please reach out to your local Questback office or partner for more information.