How to use Opt-out Manager
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The Opt-out manager gives the Superuser/account admin full overview and managing rights for respondents who choose to not participate in Quests. To improve email deliverability of Quests, the respondent who once chose to opt-out will will also be opted- out from future Quests.
If the Opt-out function is enabled under Response Options in Quest Settings, the respondent can choose to not participate in a Quest.
This means the respondent who opt-out on a Quest, will be opted-out on all future Quests conducted on the same customer account.
When uploading an e-mail adress flagged as „opt-out“ to a new Quest, it automatically gets the invitation status „Opt-out“ and no invitation will be sent.
NOTE: This function is only available for account admins.
- The Opt-out manager is found in the tab on the left side in Essentials:
- The list will be empty if you haven’t added any adressees or none of your respondents choose to opt-out. If any of your respondents choose to opt-out their adress will be added under the list aswell.
- You may remove the adress from the list if desired by choosing it and clicking the Delete Button:
- In order to add adresses to the Opt-out list, click the Green Plus Button and add the adresses either manually(available to all) or by uploading an excel file (feature must be unlocked) containing the adresses.
You may see the Opt-out origin in a separate column, specifying the origin. If the Opt-out is caused by a Hard Bounce, if the respondent Opted out themselves or if the respondent has been added to the Opt-out list manually.
Please note: import and export of the Opt-out contacts via an excel file is an additional feature, please contact your local Customer manager in order to activate the features.