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How to add an attachment to the introduction or question

Sometimes you may have a file containing information that you’d like to include in a Quest. This file can be uploaded either in the introduction or within a question. Here’s how you can add a file to a question:

  • Begin by accessing the question in Questionnaire.
  • Under Question Properties, look for the option Include Additional Information and click on it. This will open a box similar to the one available for the Introduction and other parts in Questback.


  • To add an attachment, click on the Media Picker button.

  • A window will appear, displaying all the files in your Media Manager library. Select an already uploaded file from the library, or click on „Upload File“ to choose the file you want to add from your computer.

  • Once the upload is complete, select the file and click Add.


You can test the attachment by clicking Preview Quest or by going to Test & Publish and then run a Test Quest.

 In Media Manager you can see all the files you have uploaded and upload new files.


Über die Akademie

Haben Sie eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden? Unter Dokumentation haben wir informative Beschreibungen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, die Funktionen von Essential vollständig zu verstehen. Durch den Erkenntnisgewinn erhöhen Sie den Wissensstand in der gesamten Organisation