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How to use Response Log

Adding a Response Log to your reports may let you order to gain understanding on when in time your respondents answered, and by what means. You may also apply filters to Response logs to see when a certain group of respondents answered.

To add the Response Log, open your report, click “Add” and “Add Response Log”:


The Response Log will display the total number of responses and break down the number of responses per medium (E-mail, SMS, Link or Dynamic Link). The resulting response log may be displayed as a Chart, either as “Stacked area”, “Line” or “Stacked Column”:

… or as a Table:

Note: If you want to learn more about Dynamic links, read this document: https://web2.questback.com/downloads/ESS_Dynamic_Links.pdf


Über die Akademie

Haben Sie eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden? Unter Dokumentation haben wir informative Beschreibungen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, die Funktionen von Essential vollständig zu verstehen. Durch den Erkenntnisgewinn erhöhen Sie den Wissensstand in der gesamten Organisation