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What does the various individual respondent system fields mean?

Essentials provides the opportunity to follow up respondents and their responses uniquely. Here we will explain the fields when viewing a specific respondent and their response.

  • Navigate to the Responses pane found in the Results section. Then click on The Respondent you wish to follow up through making a case.

If Hidden Identity is enabled under Quest settings, e-mail addresses will be replaced with „Hidden identity“.

On the top of this page, you may toggle between the responses by clicking Previous Response or Next Response(1). 

  • In addition you will see several fields containing valuable information:
    • Response ID(2): Shows the unique Response ID for this response.
    • Number of cases(3): Shows the number of cases already existing for this respondent.
    • Response started(4): Shows the date and time for when the respondent opened the quest and started responding.
    • Response ended(5): Shows the date and time for when the respondent finished answering the quest.
    • Response duration(6): Shows the amount of time the respondent spent from start to finish.
    • Distribution(7): Specifies method of distribution i.e E-mail, sms etc.
    • Hidden response(8): Specifies if Hidden Identity is enabled for the respondent.
    • Language(9): Specifies in which language the quest was responded .
    • Device type(10): Specifies which device type used to respond.
    • Comment(11): Lets you add a comment for the particular response.



Über die Akademie

Haben Sie eine Antwort auf Ihre Frage gefunden? Unter Dokumentation haben wir informative Beschreibungen zusammengestellt, die Ihnen helfen, die Funktionen von Essential vollständig zu verstehen. Durch den Erkenntnisgewinn erhöhen Sie den Wissensstand in der gesamten Organisation