What does the various individual respondent system fields mean?
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Essentials provides the opportunity to follow up respondents and their responses uniquely. Here we will explain the fields when viewing a specific respondent and their response.
- Navigate to the Responses pane found in the Results section. Then click on The Respondent you wish to follow up through making a case.
If Hidden Identity is enabled under Quest settings, e-mail addresses will be replaced with „Hidden identity“.

On the top of this page, you may toggle between the responses by clicking Previous Response or Next Response(1).
- In addition you will see several fields containing valuable information:
- Response ID(2): Shows the unique Response ID for this response.
- Number of cases(3): Shows the number of cases already existing for this respondent.
- Response started(4): Shows the date and time for when the respondent opened the quest and started responding.
- Response ended(5): Shows the date and time for when the respondent finished answering the quest.
- Response duration(6): Shows the amount of time the respondent spent from start to finish.
- Distribution(7): Specifies method of distribution i.e E-mail, sms etc.
- Hidden response(8): Specifies if Hidden Identity is enabled for the respondent.
- Language(9): Specifies in which language the quest was responded .
- Device type(10): Specifies which device type used to respond.
- Comment(11): Lets you add a comment for the particular response.