How to create a new Value Filter?
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A new value filter can be created from the Results>Filters pane or by clicking + New Filter from the SERIES-menu within a report:

After choosing “Value Filter”, select either “Create one or more single-condition filters” or “Create one multi-condition filter”. A demonstration of the selected value filter type will show right below when clicking “Example”:

If you want to “Create one or more single-condition filters”, first select the Question, then which operator logic to base your filter on.
For questions with fixed answer alternatives, you may choose from a dropdown menu with 4 different operator logics:
- “any of” will create one separate filter per selection that groups together all respondents that have answered the given alternative
- “none of” will create one separate filter per selection that groups together all respondents that have not answered the given alternative
- “answered” will group together all respondents that have answered the given question
- “not answered” will group together all respondents that have not answered the given question

You may also create filters based on keywords or whole sentences from “open answer questions”:
- “contains” groups together all respondents that have included a given keyword in their answer
- “does not contain” groups together all respondents that have not included a given keyword in their answer
- “is equal to” groups together all respondents that have answered the exact same keyword or sentence in their answer
- “answered” groups together all respondents that have answered the
- “not answered” groups together all respondents that have not answered the question

You may edit the names of your selected filters on the next page:

After getting the “Success”-message, click “Save”. The value filters are now created and made available in your report:

If you want to “Create one multi-condition filter”, each mark per answer alternative will result in one, common filter. The “multi-condition filter” might even include two or more questions added with either “and” or “or” logic, using the “add condition” button:

Make sure to give your “multi-condition filter” a descriptive name:

By using “Add group” one can even add sets of conditions, for so to group sets of respondents that answered differently across selected questions:

Please note that you may edit existing filters from the filters menu by clicking on the filter name. You may also “duplicate” or “delete” existing filters by selecting them from this list: