How to Direct Anonomous Respondents to a Prize Draw

Prize draws work as a motivating factor for respondents for completing a Quest. For Quests with hidden identity, it is strange to ask respondents to provide contact information to enter a price draw.

One way to circumvent this problem, is to direct respondents to a separate Quest – dedicated for the prize draw, upon answering the last question of the main Quest.

First, prepare a separate Quest for respondents that want to participate in the draw:

Make sure that the Quest is published, distribute it by link and copy the link:

Go to your main Quest. As the last Question, you should add a Question to let willing respondents be taken to the separate “prize draw” Quest. Open the Question Alternative Settings by clicking the gearwheel next to the Yes-alternative:

Select Action

Then select ”Redirect to an external URL” and add the URL for the registration Quest:


A little icon (circle with “<>” ) will signify that the answer alternative will perform your desired action when selected:



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