Getting Started

Follow these two quick videos to learn the basics of Questback and start creating surveys in just a few minutes!

Video 1: Creating Your First Survey(Click to open).

Learn how to set up your first survey, adjust key settings, and build a questionnaire tailored to your needs. In this video you will learn how to:

  • Set up your survey.
  • Configure settings.
  • Build a questionnaire tailored to your needs.

Video 2: Distributing & Reporting(Click to open).

Once your first survey is created, learn how to distribute it to respondents and analyze the results effectively. In this video you will learn how to:

  • Send your survey to respondents.
  • Analyze the responses effectively.



Om Academy

Hittade du svaret på din fråga? Under dokumentation finns informativa beskrivningar som hjälper dig förstå och kunna använda Essentials funktionalitet fullt ut. Genom insiktsarbete höjer du kunskapsnivån i hela organisationen.