How to change the order of smileys of the Satisfaction Meter-question type backwards?

Smileys on the Satisfaction Meter – question type are hardcoded and unfortunately they can´t be changed in the opposite direction. However, you can take screenshots of the smileys one by one.

  • You can then store them on your computer and upload the files to the Media Library . Click on Tools and choose Media:

  • Click Upload file, to upload the screenshots:

  • When you have uploaded the screenshots, go back to your quest. In Questionnaire, add a new question of for example the question type Single select horizontal.

  • Write in the first answer alternative text, e.g Happy (which will be the located on the far left side in the Quest). Then click on the gear icon on the right side:


In the menu that opens when you click on the gear icon, choose Image:

  • Then click Choose Image, Select the Happiest smiley-image and then click Add:


  • In the next picture you can adjust regarding the width and height of the picture. If the button Constrain proportions is turned on, the height will be automatically changed if you make an adjustment in the width, and opposite. Click Hide answer alternative text, to only show the smiley.

  • Do the same for the other smileys. When you have added all the alternatives, click Preview Quest to see how it looks.

click Preview Quest to see how it looks



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