How to use stacked filters?

What are stacked filters?

Stacked filters, also known as nested filters or cascading filters, are a method of applying multiple filter conditions to a dataset in a hierarchical manner. Instead of applying a single filter criterion, stacked filters allow users to layer multiple criteria, refining the dataset with each additional filter. Each filter condition operates within the context of previously applied filters, enabling increasingly detailed data selection.

How to use stacked filters in reports?

In this example, we’ll use a Quest where respondents are first presented with the Question “From 1-6 how satisfied are you with our Service?”, followed by questions asking “What type of Service did you purchase?” and “Which Region do you belong to?”.

Start off by creating the filters you want to use in the report, the filters can be created inside the Report under Series -> Add filter -> New Filter.

The filters will then be available when clicking Add filter under Series:

We will proceed by selecting the ‘East‘ filter, created based on the region question’s alternatives, and the ‘Cleaning‘ filter, among the alternatives in the Service question. This will display satisfaction results for customers who purchased the cleaning service and belong to the East region.

We have now stacked 2 filters; East and Cleaning. The stacked filters are then displayed right below the Add Filter Button, and you may hide or remove the filter by clicking the Eye button to hide or X to remove the filter:

The chart will now only consist of answers from those who answered they belong to region East and bought the Cleaning service:



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