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How create a NPS question?

  • Easily add the NPS** Question type from Designer (1) Click Add (2) then Add Question (3) 

    Please make sure to select the desired position for the NPS question. Arrange the question by dragging and dropping it to your preferred position, as demonstrated below.

  • After choosing the desired order of the question, we need to define this question as NPS question type. This is easily done by first selecting the added question (1) then: click Question Type (2) then select NPS (3) under Single Select. Click Save (4) before proceeding.

    The Question text will change to default “How likely is it that you would recommend *Company* to a friend or colleague?” You can edit the question text according to your own desire.


  • You may Include Additional Information (1) by ticking off the box next to it and enter desired information you want to be visible for the respondent above the question, this is optional, if you do not want to include any Additional information leave the box unchecked.To change the question text, fill in you desired text under Question Text (2). If desired, you can choose to display the answering option as a slider (3) by ticking of the box next to Display as Slider. NPS has global standardized metric value from 0-10(4).
    If desired choose your Industry (5) and Target Group (6) from the drop-down-menu.
    Do not forget to click save at the bottom after setting you preferences.


Below is an example of how the NPS Question we made would look visually. The additional information we wrote is displayed above. Please note *Company will be automatically filled according to your account name and may be changed as shown above.



**Net Promoter® and NPS® are registered trademarks of Bain & Company, Inc., Satmetrix Systems, Inc., and Fred Reichheld.


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