Create sections in Livereports
Last updated more than 2 months ago |
Quests consisting of many questions often end up with huge reports. Adding sections in Livereports can be useful to enhance the comprehensibility of each chart.
Read on to learn more!
Sections is an add-on feature. In order to activate this functionality, please contact or your contactperson at Questback.
In this example we have a report consisting of 4 charts. We will add a section, and also create a tab for the section with 2 charts in each.
Navigate to the Report, click The Plus Button(1) and then Add Section(2). Remember the Questions before and including the Selected Question(3) will be added to the section.
The New Section has been added below the Selected Question(1), Write a fitting Heading Text(2) and by ticking off Set As Tab(3) a separate tab will be created inside the Livereport. You may leave it unticked in order to create sections, without dedicated tabs. The Heading text will then be shown on the same page without grouping the charts in a separate tab.
Click on the Livereport button and the section is immediately added to a separate tab in the Livereport. Navigate through the sections by clicking the tabs on the top.
Section with separate tab: